We currently do not offer promo codes or coupons. However, we occasionally offer promotional sales for limited time periods on our products on Saatva.com and Saatva Viewing Rooms. The details of the promotion can be seen by clicking on the banner at the top of the website.
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Discounts are automatically applied to your cart when your cart total is eligible.
We offer a year-round $225 discount off orders of $1,000 or more to active military, veterans, first responders, government employees, nurses, teachers, senior citizens & students. To apply the discount, simply click on the "Discount for first responders & more" box at checkout. You will be prompted to register with ID.me to verify your status and receive the discount. Note that your cart will automatically apply the larger discount if there is a promotional sale on Saatva.com that is better than your ID.me discount.
If you're an interior design professional, check out our Design Trade Program to get 14% cash back on all your Saatva orders.