Duvet covers typically have fabric loops on each corner to tie and anchor the corners of the duvet insert to keep it from bunching.
Follow these easy steps to insert your duvet insert into your duvet cover:
1. Turn the duvet cover inside out and lay it flat on your mattress, with the opening at the foot of the bed.
2. Lay the comforter/duvet insert on top of the duvet cover.
3. Tie the ends of the duvet insert to the corresponding corner loops of the duvet cover.
4. Starting at the head of the bed, roll both the duvet cover and comforter/duvet insert together like a burrito toward the foot of the bed.
5. Once at the end, invert the duvet cover opening around the ends of both sides of the “burrito” you just rolled.
6. Zip the duvet cover closed.
7. Unroll the “burrito” back up toward the head of the bed and fluff as needed.